Messy Church
We know it’s the start of the school holidays next weekend, but Messy Church is on anyway! We are continuing the year’s theme of exploring the basics of the Christian faith, with this week’s theme of “Blessings & Belonging” looking at the meaning of Baptism; what we do and why we do it, what the symbols mean, and being part of God’s family. Lots of fun crafts, an interactive baptism storytime, songs old & new, and a festive meal to finish with. Hope to see you there 4-6pm this Sunday July 6.
You may be interested to know that there are now 26 Messy Church services sunning in South Australia of various denominations. The Five Core Values of Messy are Church Creativity, Celebration, Hospitality, Christ-centred and All-age. Those people who are involved feel very blessed by such a meaningful ministry.