Mainly Music News
On Friday 6th November 2015, on a rather damp and misty morning, ten parents and 15 children, squashed into a tiny gazebo at Wittunga Park, to enjoy Mainly Music. Our regular venue, the church hall was being used for the Roundabout Craft Fair & Exhibition.
So without the usual trappings of cushions, data projection and microphones, the children ran, jumped, galloped and were ducks and other animals, using lots of energy and learning concepts of colour and sound. We had our usual morning tea, fruit and a delicious slice, supplied by our team members who cleverly arranged for hot water without electricity. Children played hide and seek or did nature walks and didn’t even miss the playroom toys. Those who braved the weather had fun and even though some went home rather muddy and wet a great time was had by all. We thanked God for the wonderful garden, flowers and trees we are so privileged to enjoy.
Please click this link to learn more about Roundabout Mainly Music.