Roundabout Playgroup
Roundabout Playgroup resumes on Monday 1st February. As we begin our 7th year we start our third rotation of the 3-year program. The theme is Friends and will include Pancake Monday on 8th February and an Easter Celebration on Monday 21st March. If you would like to be involved, speak to Jean Potter if you’d like to join the morning tea roster, or to Marnie or Carys if you’d like to help with setting up, cleaning up, reading stories or singing songs.
We have lost two of our long-serving craft helpers so if you’d like to help with cutting up materials for craft activities, please see Marnie. All involvement can be as frequent or as little as you choose, all is negotiable and every little helps.
Marnie Agnew, ph 8279 1671 mob 0408 474 699.
Click this link to learn more about our Roundabout Playgroup.