Roundabout Playgroup
Roundabout Playgroup resumed on Monday with a lovely session on Mother’s Day, with 25 families and 37 children attending, including four new families. At the craft table we prepared posies for mums, grandmas and nannas which were very popular with both the children and the adults, and much appreciated. It’s amazing what you can do with Moccona coffee jar lids, a bit of floral oasis, recycled artificial flowers and some ribbon and we will be making more in church on Sunday morning.
Seasons: Autumn into Winter
The theme for the rest of the term will be Seasons: Autumn into Winter, and including the celebration of Volunteers week (9th May), Reconciliation Week (30th May) and World Environment Day (6th June). In anticipation of Volunteers Week, a BIG thank you to all our volunteers without whose help Playgroup couldn’t function, let alone be as successful as it is.
Help needed: On 16th May we will be without both Bruce and John, so if you have a half hour or so from 11:15-12 noon on that day and could help with packing up the outdoor equipment, washing paintbrushes, shifting tables, vacuuming the carpet and rolling up the carpet squares, we’d love to see you in the Playgroup area and point you in the right direction. And if you’d like to come back and help out for the rest of the term that would be great as Jean won’t be around from the end of May.
And if you have any artificial flowers, Moccona lids or ribbon of any colour, length or width, we can always use more of them. See Marnie Agnew if you have any to pass on.
Marnie Agnew, ph 8279 1671 mob 0408 474 699.
Click this link to learn more about our Roundabout Playgroup.