Guide for Worship Leaders, Preachers and Music Leaders
An update to the Guide for Worship Leaders, Preachers and Music leaders
We have created this simple set of reminders to assist Data Input Operators in their preparation of the worship services each week.
We hope that asking you provide all these details will better help our preparation and also ensure a smooth operation of the service on Sundays.
1) All information to be emailed to or by Tuesday to assist with time for searching and reporting copyright and preparing power points.
2) Full outline of order of service to be included.
3) A guide to theme of service will help data operators find suitable images. Alternatively, worship leaders/preachers can also send images of their choice to be used.
4) Music detail to include:
- a) songbook title
- b) number of song or hymn
- c) first line of verse 1
- d) any changes to order of verses, the number of repeats of chorus, and repeats of any last lines.
Please refer to music books in the grey cupboard in the library to confirm the church owns a copy of the published source. When reporting song use to copyright licensing organisations they require the title of the book in which it was published and legally the church should own one. Any other songs may have to be followed up to the individual copyright owner.
Data input operators are Anne Grear (8278 1178), Ray Pentland (7226 8707) and Bryan Belling on occasion. We are always looking for more people to join us and help prepare slides for the services on Sundays. Please talk to Anne or Ray if you’re interested.
You’re help in providing us with these extra details will make preparing for the service much easier. If you have any questions, please feel free to ring or email us.
Thank you!