Christmas Gift Bags
As in previous years we are giving Christmas Gift Bags to our Messy Church, Sunday morning and Baptism families this December. We hope to include a Christmas decoration, a booklet with the Christmas story, balloons, a Christmas grace, and a message from the congregation. The bags usually cost between $5 and $10. We have around 30 families, and if we get enough money we try to give something small with a message from Blackwood UC to the Playgroup families as well. If you would like to make a contribution to this seasonal gift to the families in our extended ‘family’, please see Marnie Agnew, or put your contribution in an envelope marked Family Ministry Christmas Gift Bags and put it in the offering or leave it at the office. This is a significant way in which we can let our families know we care about them, and visit those with whom we have had minimal contact during the year.
Help needed for Messy Church next weekend: We have enough Christmas trees and lights, thank you, but we will need help putting the trees up on Saturday 2nd December, from 2pm. If you have an hour to spare and could help that afternoon, could you see Marnie Agnew ph 0408 474 699 email
We also need an extra pair of hands after the 11 o’clock service on Sunday 3rd to help put up blackout screens on the windows in the chapel. That is the morning we will be joining with the Church of Christ people at the Church of Christ, and there will be a visiting choir at the 11am service at BUC, which makes finding a volunteer a little more complicated. If you can help please see Marnie Agnew or Russell Grear.