After Pine Gap
Margie Pestorius, one of the Pine Gap Peace Pilgrims, will be in Adelaide to talk about #WagePeace and #AustralianNonviolenceProjects for the upcoming year on 28 February. She would love to meet folk with ideas for grassroots projects, especially focussed on empowering young activists to address the emerging militarisation of our education system, from afterschool science clubs and holiday programs through to University courses.
Come along to The Depot Café in The Joinery on Franklin Street, anytime between 10am and noon on 28 February and join in the conversation! Bring along your passion and your knowledge about the Australian-US alliance, about weapons dealing and corporate profit making, about how this is affecting oz foreign policy, oz culture and oz institutions and NGOs.
Last year a group of Christians, some Quakers, was arrested at Pine Gap. Margie Pestorius was one of these. The event is being hosted by Peri Coleman, who is also a Quaker, whom I met through Love Makes A Way. I want to alert people to this event and so that they know things are happening around working for peace, and weapons manufacturing.