Walk for Justice for Refugees – Palm Sunday 2018
2pm Sunday March 25th 2018
Meet at Victoria Square and walk to Parliament House, Adelaide
Speakers to be confirmed.
Approximately 30,000 refugees are living on temporary visas in our community with their futures in limbo. Many families are separated by the harsh system, and people despair of ever being reunited. Many lack access to education and citizenship and fear being deported to danger.
Refugees on Manus and Nauru are approaching their fifth year languishing offshore.
The refugee movement is shifting public opinion. A majority of Australians are now opposed to the continuing detention of refugees on Manus and Nauru and believe they should be brought to Australia
We are calling for:
1. And end to offshore detention
2. Replacement of temporary visas with a pathway to citizenship
and family reunion
3. An increase in Australia’s humanitarian intake
4. The appointment of an independent Children’s advocate
Join us and show your support for:
1. An Australia that treats people seeking asylum humanely and in accordance with Australia’s international obligations ensuring access to a fair application process irrespective of mode or date of arrival.
2. An Australia where people are free to live in the community while their claims are transparently processed
3. An Australia that expands alternative migration pathways for refugees, increases access to family reunion and creates opportunities for increased community involvement in the refugee resettlement program
4. An Australia that shows leadership in working with governments and people in the Asia-Pacific to address the causes of refugee displacement and increase access to sustainable humanitarian solutions that include aid, active diplomacy and resettlement
Bring your family, friends, and workmates, bring banner and signs.