Christmas Gift Bags for Family Ministry families
With the December Messy Church less than 4 weeks away we are now thinking of the annual Gift bags we give to Messy Church and baptism families at Christmas, and a special Christmas memento for Playgroup families. In the past the BUC community has been very generous in your support for this initiative and we hope you will continue to support it this year as it is a very meaningful way of connecting especially with families we haven’t seen for a while. This year the Gift bags for Messy Church and Baptism families will include a Christmas themed ornament, a card with part of the Christmas story on it, a Christmas grace, starry balloons, bubbles to blow and a greeting from the BUC community. For the Playgroup families we will have a Christmas bauble for the children to paint and take home to hang on their tree, a card with part of the Christmas story on it and a greeting from the BUC community. Your contributions to this Christmas outreach will be gratefully received and can be made to Marnie Agnew direct, or place your donation in an envelope marked “Family Ministry Christmas Gifts” and put it in the offering bags, or give it to Jacqui in the office.