Philosophers’ Lunch
A new space in which to chew the fat about philosophy and theology and everything!
The BUC Philosophers’ Lunch has been born! On Sunday 2nd June, 12pm at BUC we will be having our first get-together. BYO a shared lunch, and whatever you wish to drink, as we contemplate the deep and wondrous aspects of existence. It should be noted that in The Hitch-Hikers’ Guide to the Galaxy, an ancient civilization once boldly posed the question – the Ultimate Question – about Life, the Universe, and Everything! Admittedly, it took them a long time to come up with the answer – seven and a half million years – and the answer they received (‘forty-two’) raised still further questions. It may be, therefore, that we require more than one luncheon session to come up with a definitive answer to the mysteries of existence. What better reason could one have for a long lunch? Pass the Shiraz, please, Socrates…