GIVING is up to you!
Choosing to financially contribute to Blackwood Uniting Church is a truly personal choice; your choice may be a one-off or weekly or monthly or annually. Should you wish to give, we hope you find the following information useful. If you have further questions please use the contact details below.
Bank Transfer
To assist you making a one-off donation or transferring money to the church bank account for some other reason, the details below can be used for this purpose:
Blackwood Uniting Church Bank Account:
BSB: 805-007
Account Number: 00710955
Account Name: S70 – Uniting Church
eGive Program
The UCInvest eGive program makes the practical side of giving easy. You choose how much and how often you wish to contribute – it’s up to you. We’ve made it simple, safe and secure to give from your bank account or credit card.
If you wish to start giving electronically to BUC on a regular basis or you wish to amend your existing offering electronic transfer, then please click this link to download the e(give) Application Form for Personal Use (, complete it and submit it in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” to Blackwood Uniting Church, Attn: Jan Furness, 266 Main Road, Blackwood SA 5051
Weekly Envelope
If you wish to make regular weekly contributions by envelope please contact Jan Furness (see below) to make arrangements.
GIVING Contact:
Jan Furness
266 Main Road