
  • small paper plates with a small hole poked in the middle (or use large plates if you want a really big umbrella)
  • chenille sticks or pipe cleaners – use half a stick for small plates, a whole one for large plates
  • markers and crayons, stickers, clip art etc. to decorate
  • scissors, glue stick, sticky tape

 What to do:

  • Decorate the back of a  paper plate with crayons or felt tip markers, stickers etc. or print off some clip art from your computer to cut out and paste on.
  • Make a small hole in the middle of the plate with scissors.
  • Poke a chenille stick up through the hole in the plate to make the handle. Bend it over and attach it to the paper plate with a piece of sticky tape, or fasten it in place with a sticker.
  • Bend the lower end to make the handle shape.

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