Time: 7.00p
- Day: 2nd Monday of each month
- Place: Dene Hall, BUC
At Inner Pilgrimage, we offer a quiet space to enable people to do the inner, soul work through reflection, meditation, contemplation and prayer.
We meet in the Dene Hall for a time of quiet reflection. This might involve a guided meditation, a theme on which to base the reflection or some suggestions for trying out different spiritual practices such as breath prayers, lectio divina, etc. The labryinth is often set up for anyone wishing to walk it as part of their personal reflection time.
The hope is that participants will learn about the different spiritual tools available which will enhance their prayer life and help to get a balance between being and doing. We are often so focussed on activity that we neglect our inner life.
Please contact Lynona Hawkins if you would like more information.