Prayer Circle Ministry
Prayer is an essential part of our faith relationship with God. However, there are times when we find it difficult to pray, or the situation is so large, we need the support of others who will pray for us. At these times, people who are interested in prayer are God’s gift. Some have a special ministry of intercession, but it is a ministry in which everyone who loves God can share.
Five groups of people have offered to work together in Prayer Circles. This is one way of providing support for the people of the Blackwood Church. If you have a concern and would like the assurance that a few people are supporting you in prayer with that concern, you are invited to call one of the members of a prayer circle. That person will promise to pray for you and will then pass your concern around their Prayer Circle so that all members are praying for you. All prayer concerns are strictly confidential within the Prayer Circle.
Our guidelines are as follows:
- In regard to the “Privacy Act 2000”, passed by Parliament, sensitive information needs to be treated carefully. If the person has given permission for the prayer concern, or if it is a situation of public knowledge, that is acceptable. If not, care must be taken to protect the privacy of the person and situation. Be sure God knows the details!
- Confidentiality within the prayer circle regarding items to be prayed for is essential! Anything shared remains within the circle. (It isn’t a gossip group.)
- Whoever begins the prayer request writes out the particular prayer concern (e.g. “Please pray for a lady who is in hospital having tests,” or “Please uphold to God Jan & Ben travelling overseas”). The concern is then rung through to the next person in the circle in a clockwise direction saying, “This prayer started with…” This enables the prayers to know when it has gone full circle.
- Don’t make the phone call an opportunity for a long conversation. Having handed on the prayer, hang up to allow it to be passed on and pray for the situation straight away.
- If the next person isn’t home, go onto the following person around the circle.
- A Prayer Circle which is active and well used works best.
Three Circles are connected to the 9.15a Family Service and two to the 11.00a Traditional Service. The people who are in each Prayer Circle can be found inside the front cover of the Blackwood Uniting Church Directory. Please contact the Office to pick up a copy or to have one sent to you via email.
You may also wish to contact one of these people to find out about joining one of the Prayer Circles.