Learn new techniques and hone your artistic skills in a friendly environment. Pastels, watercolours, oils, pen & wash, and acrylics.
Tutor: Doug Thomson
Wednesday morning & afternoons

Creative Coffee & Chat
Bring along your own project to work on in a friendly group.
Thursday mornings

Decorative Painting & Folk Art
Learn to decorate all types of surfaces using simple paint techniques taught by our very experienced teacher.
Tutor: Yvonne Fitzell
Wednesday afternoons

Knitting & Crochet
Know to knit and/or crochet or finish a project that you have been working on. All skill levels welcome.
Tutor: Belinda Norman
Wednesday afternoons

Learn how to mosaic on any material with help from the beginning through to the end project. Great tips and guidance on what and where to buy.
Tutor: Sue Langhans
Wednesday mornings

Needlework & Embroidery
Choose to work from existing patterns or create and design your own. Learn a variety of embroidery techniques.
Tutors: Nancy Williams & Bev Cairns
Wednesday afternoon, Thursday mornings and afternoons

Modern Patchwork & Quilting
Learn this traditional textile craft or come with projects you are already working on.
Tutors: Kate Seinor
Wednesday mornings & afternoons (self-directed)
Thursday mornings & afternoons (self-directed)

Learn this contagious, fun way of keeping your special memories alive.
Tutor: Denise Metcalf
Wednesday afternoons

The Bike Shed
Help repair bikes for needy families in a friendly shed atmosphere. Held at Blackwood Uniting Church 8:30a – 12:30p.
Click HERE for information about The Shed
Contact: Peter Jones
Monday mornings

Sewing Workshop
Explore sewing & the mysteries of the paper pattern.  BYO machine if needed.  All skill levels welcome.
Tutor: Sue Fisher
Wednesday morning