- Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm
- Day: Tuesdays during school terms
- Place: Each other’s homes
The Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group aims to build our understanding of our faith through study and exchange of ideas and views whilst strengthening our love and care of each other. This group has emphasised “a safe place” to share personal, spiritual and community topics.
Using “Seasons of the Spirit” study notes, our weekly study progresses with a rotation of facilitator. These notes follow the set lectionary for each week which gives us another chance to look at the lessons that will be discussed again during the Sunday morning services.
To celebrate special occasions, such as visitors and Christmas, we organise extra activities throughout the year which usually include our spouses.
Each week we make a donation bowl available towards a chosen focus. Last year we were able to contribute money to Emergency Relief at Blackwood Office whilst the previous year’s money was sent to Port Adelaide Mission for Christmas Hampers (now Unitingcare Wesley Port Adelaide).
If you would like to join the study spirit, please contact the office.