BUC Journeying... You are invited to explore many different expressions of Spirituality in a relaxed atmosphere.

5 to 7pm beginning with drinks and nibbles here at BUC.

Please click this link to go to the Live-stream and Recorded Journeying series.

…”Telling Truth” Art
17th March 2024 – 5pm to 8pm

BUC Journeying 17 March 2024: Hear non-Indigenous artist, Colin Clarke, talk of his journey of discovering the untaught truths of Australian history.

This journey developed into his Telling Truths art work.

There will be Q&A opportunities

Colin’s “Telling Truths” artwork will be on display every Tuesday and Friday* from 11am to 1pm, plus every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 3pm until 14th April 2024.
*With the exception of Good Friday.

Click this link to see photos taken during this Journeying event.


Colin describes his work, Telling Truth:

“I started painting in the early 2000s to express the natural wonders, stories, events, and social justice issues that I experienced while travelling Australia. The social justice issues “focused to become the injustices that we the colonisers created in this land.” This journey of awakening has led me to acknowledge the injustices as being true, and to own them as being part of my country’s cultural history. In so doing it allowed my journey to start toward the healing of relationships with the First Nations People, and with the land, fauna, and flora I now call home.”

Below is a video of Colin describing one of his pieces of art: Our Massacres at an exhibition in Western Australia in 2018.

…with Asylum
19th May 2024 – 5pm to 7pm

BUC: Journeying with AsylumHear the personal story of an Asylum Seeker.

Have the legal complexities explained by Tricia Rushton (photo below).

Q & A opportunities as we consider, “How to journey with asylum seekers today?”



Tricia Rushton - 3-Minute Thesis: Hypersovereignty in a land girt by seaClick the link below to watch Tricia’s 3 Minute Thesis*:
Hypersovereignty in a land girt by sea.”

Tricia Rushton: My research investigates the nexus between the phenomena of globalisation, the concept of national sovereignty and changes to Australian migration law since 2000. I am asking is this hyper sovereignty in the face of a waning sovereignty and what do these changes to the law mean for values such as the rule of law?

Condensing this conceptually complex investigation into an accessible three minutes for a non specialist audience was a valuable exercise. It helped me further sharpen my research focus. It was also inspiring to meet so many other researchers and hear of their efforts to ‘make a difference’ to our knowledge and to real world outcomes.

*[Source: Flinders University 2020 finalist with her 3 Minute Thesis.]

…with Palestinians
21st July 2024 – 5pm to 7pm

Journeying with Palestinians at BUC - 21 July 2024Hear some remarkable stories from

Andrew Telfer

an Adelaide local who has spent time in Palestine, journeying with them in their daily lives as a human rights observer.

…to Flourish
15th September 2024 – 5pm to 7pm

…through Small Things
19th March 2023

Chelsea SizeOur lives are made of many small moments.  Is God present in all? Are you curious about your neglected stories? Could they be transformative?

Explore with Chelsea Size.

Chelsea Size, a minister in the Uniting Church, has previously worked in the field of narrative practice, and had much to do with First Nations people in regional communities, which helped shape her own narrative and story.

Join her, as she considers how God could be present even in the small, ordinary moments of our lives. How might we become more curious about the neglected stories of our daily lives in ways that are life-shaping and life enriching?

Click the link above to watch the recording of the event.

…with Children
14th May 2023

Journeying with Children at BUCThe Metaphorical Backpack – How do we equip children for life’s journey?

Explore thoughts and learned experience with
Heather Lee, Alison Sutcliffe and Danny Mills
All experienced educators

Click the link above to watch the recording of the event.

…through Generosity
16th July 2023

BUC: Journeying Through Generosity; 16th July 2023The call, the reward and the challenges of engaging, sharing and connecting with others!
Be challenged through the experiences of
Ian Hunter
For whom social justice is a driving force.



…through the Rough
17th September 2023

Journeying... through the Rough, at BUC. 17 Sep 2023How can we get through the rough times of life and build resilience?
Share perspectives and experiences with
Michael Brennan
An experienced mental health field worker with GROW



…to the End
19th November 2023

Journeying... to the End. BUC 19 Nov 2023Preparing to take off the “back pack”.
How do we face the end of life?
Hear from
Dr. John Nettleton
A former country GP



…through Undying Hope
20th March 2022
Ian Olver

Journeying… through Undying Hope. Improving the quality of life for cancer patients and their families Professor Ian Olver, Inaugural Director of the University of South Australia Cancer Research Institute. Creator: Liam West/Lightly Salted Copyright: Lightly Salted/Liam WestWhat is hope? What are its sources? How can it affect your health? How do we maintain hope when life gets tough?

Explore realistic hope in the uncertainties around death with Ian Olver, Professor of Oncology.

Click here to watch the recording.

…by Making Space
15th May 2022
Rev Mandy Harvey

Journeying... by Making Space with Mandy Harvey. Photo by Cath Leo. Soul Seekers - https://www.soulseekers.com.au/about-us/In a culture that values activity, achievement and choice, how can we and why should we make space within our lives for silence and solitude.

Explore these questions with Rev Mandy Harvey
a contemplative with some “gardening” experience!

Click here to watch live-stream.

…through the Spirit of Loneliness
17th July 2022
Rev Peter McDonald

Journeying... in The Spirit of Loneliness with Rev Peter McDonald, My Faith in Action, Uniting Communities. https://myfaithinaction.net/peter-mcdonald/The impact of loneliness on all ages and stages.

Hear research and reflections from Uniting Communities with Rev Peter McDonald.

Click here to watch live-stream.


…through the Contemplative Way

18th Sept 2022
Gary Stuckey

Journeying... through the Contemplative Way. https://sa.uca.org.au/new-times/gary-stuckey-stillpoint…a way to free us to live more authentically and compassionately through a deeper awareness of Divine Love and our truest selves.

Join with Gary Stuckey
a well-known practitioner of Christian meditation.

Later, you will be able find the link to watch live-stream.

…to a Just Earth
20th Nov 2022
Brian Polkinghorne, Colin Cargill and David Shepherd

Journeying... through a Just Earth. David Shepherd and Brian Polkinghorne Environmental Action Group. https://www.environmentalaction.org.au/The challenge! To look at the world from a different perspective.

Join in a discussion with Brian Polkinghorne, Colin Cargill and David Shepherd
from the Uniting Church Environmental Action Group.

Later, you will be able find the link to watch live-stream.