Messy Church: Spring Thing
A Messy Church gathering is a time for families!
Messy Church went well last Sunday and we were surprised numbers were good given it was Father’s Day, to have about 16 children, and their parents and grandparents attend whilst also welcoming another new family. The theme was Spring Thing & New Beginnings, and our story was Noah’s Ark as told by Bev Eccleston. You can see one piece of work pinned under the office window in the foyer.
Tea was fish fingers and oven chips with a couple of salads that went down well, finishing off with a kid decorated Father’s Day cake. Thanks again to all the Messy Helpers who worked so hard on the day, and thanks to those who pray for Messy Church and offer such positive support and encouragement in other ways. It was another delightfully chaotic and messy time.
There will be no Messy Church in October due to the school holidays, however we are trialling a “Godly Play” session on the 14th at 4pm. There will be more information later. Blessings Cogs.