"The Financial Challenge"
At Blackwood UC we are currently reviewing all our activities and staffing levels and planning for 2015 with the intention of avoiding a deficit budget. To reduce our costs significantly, one key solution is to reduce the paid staff time, which will inevitably mean the time paid for our current two (2) Ministers.
In the recent “Community Priorities” survey a number of you indicated your willingness to increase your regular financial giving so that we could continue the key initiatives and programs at BUC. Do you feel able to do this now, and thus give our church congregation the confidence to plan for 2015 and set our level of paid staffing without facing an ongoing deficit?
If 50 people were able to increase their level of regular ongoing giving by a minimum of $10 per week then this would raise a much needed additional $26,000 per year – this is the size of our predicted 2014 deficit.
Can you respond now? We would love to know by the end of October what offering income we can count on. Forms to complete are available from Ray Bown (ph 8278 8017) or the church office.