Update for Friday Meals Christmas Event
I would like to sincerely thank everyone who made any contribution to last Friday’s Christmas meal. Thank you to those who bought or rounded up mugs, chocolates, food, plates, dishes, decorations, wrapping paper and much, much more. We thank Luke from Blackwood Butchers for the very tasty large ham, which he donated for the meal. I also thank our Christmas committee who did so much towards getting the hall and meal ready; Helen Blake, Nancy Cranwell, Roma Muzzatti, and Wendy Norris who organised the wrapping of the pressies.
Thank you to all the cooks, hosts and helpers, who worked from home or helped on the night. Our guests had a wonderful time on the night and went home very happy, clutching their decorative mugs, sweets, balloons and decorations.
The final count was 35 guests including 2 children. Hosts and helpers were in the region of 14, but I don’t wish to forget anyone in that number. A kids’ corner was popular with the 2 children and hosted Dave Smith, thank you Dave for organising the craft materials and your imagination.
It was a busy but beautiful evening, a fitting end to our Friday meals program, thank you everyone. Our guests were very grateful and thanked us all for our work for the Christmas meal and all the other meals they have received.
Everyone has worked hard to make this a successful program. I am thankful and grateful for your dedication each week for over 5 years, a large number of you have been with us since we first started. The program wouldn’t have worked without everyone’s contributions of cooking or hosting throughout the years. Remember when we didn’t have the dishwasher?!
I thank our FM committee: Helen Blake, Roma Muzzatti, Penny Harper, Elisabeth Williams and Rev Cogs for their time of help and support since we have had a committee. I also sincerely thank Penny H and Tony O for their long-standing and continued help and support from the very beginning all those years ago whe we decided we had a need to start the program.
Best wishes, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all,
Jackie Otworowski, Friday Meals Coordinator.