Update on Sarah Agnew
In March, our Church Council Executive offered support from the Blackwood UC congregation to Rev Sarah Agnew in her unique ministry and training in poetry writing and storytelling as she studies at Edinburgh University in Scotland. At the completion of her first academic year Sarah has written a report and letter of thanks to the congregation for their support, which has been up-loaded onto our website (click this link).
If you would like to donate to support Sarah’s work or maybe you wouldn’t miss $5 or $10 a month and would like to support Sarah financially, you can sign up to become a ‘patron’ by clicking on this link: www.patreon.com/sarahstories
If you would like to contact Sarah or find out more of Sarah’s activities click on the links below.
Email: sarahagnew.storyteller@gmail.com
Website/blog: sarahtellsstories.blogspot.com.au
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