“The Future Blackwood – What do we want?”
‘The FUTURE BLACKWOOD – What do we want?’
7.30 p.m. Thursday 28th April
at Blackwood Uniting Church
(on the roundabout)
Blackwood/Belair & District Community Association invites you to a brief AGM – 7.30p.m. and participate in a Public Forum – 8.00 p.m.
Guest speakers are:
- Kevin O’Leary, Planner, formerly with SA Government and Victorian Councils,
- Mark Parnell MP, former SA Environment Defender Office lawyer
- with a Reactor Panel including Heather Holmes-Ross
- and Darren Kruse.
For further information phone 8278 5883; 8278 2150 or 8278 2047 or email BBDCA bbdcahills@ozemail.com.au.
Click this link to download the flyer: THE FUTURE BLACKWOOD – BBDCA AGM 2016