Help Wanted for Family Ministry Activities
White net: We would like to make net angels with the children during the combined service with the Church of Christ on Sunday 27th November (Sunday week). If anyone has any white net, or any net with gold or silver glitter on it, could you see Marnie Agnew asap, please?
Help with craft activities on Sunday 27th November: During the sermon we plan to get the children to decorate the Christmas tree in the foyer and make some decorations, so we need two or three extra people to help supervise the activities during that time. If you would like to help please see Marnie Agnew mob 0408 474 699.
Working bee to put together the Messy Church Christmas gift bags: Friday 2nd December @ 1.30 in the hall: If you would like to help please let Marnie Agnew know.
Many thanks to all who have already donated money towards the cost of these bags. It would be lovely to raise enough to cover the cost of making the Christmas tree craft at the playgroup Christmas break-up too. Your support is greatly appreciated.