Family Ministry Thankyou
Thank you to all who have supported the giving of Christmas Gift bags to the Messy Church families and our Christmas break-up activities at Playgroup – they have been very well received and appreciated by the families. It is a special way we can remind them of the real reason for Christmas, beyond the commercialism and the Santa hype. At Playgroup on Monday we had special Christmas crafts (see the very fancy paper Christmas tree craft on the notice board), followed by the telling of the Christmas story (thanks Carys), the singing of Christmas carols, the presentation of graduation certificates to 4 children who are leaving us to move on to Kindergarten or school in February 2017 (thanks to Rev Phil for coming to present them), and a special Christmas morning tea. Special thanks to Jacqui Harrison for arranging the carol singing and played her flute, and to Bruce Marriott and Bonnie who came to play recorder and lead the singing respectively. It was greatly appreciated and provided a lovely time of sharing the joy of Christmas with the families. Thanks also to Joan H and David A who prepared the festive morning tea. You can see photos of both Messy Christmas and the Playgroup break up on our Roundabout Family Ministry Facebook page: Roundabout Family Ministry. And a final heartfelt thanks to all the team members who have contributed to the running of both Playgroup and Messy Church this year. It only works because you are so faithful in your support. Marnie Agnew