Lent Event 2017
Lent commences on Ash Wednesday, the 1st March, and UnitingWorld invites you to join Lent Event’s
How can you change a life?
Uniting World’s “Lent Event” invites you to Act-Reflect-Connect during Lent and release giving to support Projects for Peace in Sudan, Water Resources in Papua New Guinea, Christians in China and Alleviating Poverty in India.
Pledge cards suggest giving up coffee or soft drink, chocolate, alcohol or take-away food for the forty (40) coming days. Also provided are stickers to recycle a jar or tin to collect savings on these expenditures. “Lent Event” resources are available on a dedicated table in the foyer.
We have Lent Event material available and resources for reflection are available at www.lentevent.com
Click this link to learn more about our Lent Event.