Research Project
Morgan Pankhurst is an Honours research students at Flinders University who is conducting a research project about grandparents, grandchildren, nutrition and treats. She is looking for grandparents who look after grandchildren for 10+ hours per week who would like to take part in a discussion group on the topic. Roundabout Playgroup has approved the project and some of our grandparents are participating in the study. The invitation to take part is extended to grandparents in the congregation as well as Mainly Music. Flyers with tear-off- strips with Morgan’s contact details can be found on the noticeboards in the foyer and the carpark passage. Contact Marnie Agnew if you need more information. It is hoped the discussion groups will take place in the church and will last 60-90 minutes. Morning tea will be provided and an added bonus is that all participants receive a $25 voucher from Foodland as thanks for giving their time.