Walk to D’Feet MND!
Calling all Walkers / Joggers or Crawlers! Please register – this is a major fundraiser!
Folks, just a friendly reminder, The Walk for MND is this Sunday 6 May.
The walk is along the footpath from Glenelg to Brighton (or as far as you wish to go). It is a lovely, easy walk. AND as a special service to the aged and infirmed I have arranged paramedic stations along the route, each with their own defibrillator and portable heart /lung machine, also a vet to attend to any distressed dogs, also a repair service for punctured pram tyres – ONLY JOKIN’
Thanks to those who have already registered, donated, or otherwise responded.
– If you are walking please register if possible using the link.
https://mndsawalk2dfeet2018.eventbrite.com.au?team_token=2066947-44q8p. We do take regos on the day but need a rough number for catering.
– A number of people who won’t be walking have asked about donations. Here are the details:
Account name: Motor Neurone Disease SA
BSB: 105-081
Account Number: 052 285 640
Please use the reference W2D Team Mary with surname if possible
OR Post donation to
Carol Armstrong
Office Administrator / Coordinator of Volunteers
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9 am to 4.30 pm Motor Neurone Disease Association of South Australia (MND SA)
302 South Road Hilton 5033
PO Box 2087 Hilton Plaza 5033
Ph: 8234 8448 Fax: 8351 9524
Thanks for your support