Children’s activities resume for 2019
Mainly Music resumes this Friday, 1st February, 10-11.30am
Messy Church resumes Sunday 3rd February: Theme: Jesus as a child – the day Jesus went Missing. If you would like to come and see what we do we’d love to see you. Judy Adami would still like to hear from anyone who could join the dishwashing roster (from 5.30pm) even if only a couple of times a year.
Playgroup resumes Monday 4th February. Jean Potter would still like to hear from anyone who could join the morning tea roster: it takes an hour of your time, no more than once or twice a term, or just go on the emergency roster if you prefer. The winter-spring rosters are the ones where we need most help.
Any queries contact Marnie Agnew: 0408 474 699,