Uniting Church in Aust. Looking Forward
Formation of new Presbyteries
Strategic, Hopeful and with an inclusive
Vision for the Life and Mission of the Church
in South Australia
Tuesday 30 April at 6.45 for 7.00pm
At The Corner Uniting Church 93 Oaklands Rd, Warradale
Following the successful gathering at Rosefield on 28 March organizers have been meeting to work on suggestions and questions raised by those present. We have shared information with the Synod Restructure Task Group as they continue with their planning and report to congregations from time to time regarding process and information.
Check out their web site link for the latest information including a new Q&A sheet. https://sa.uca.org.au/presbytery-and-synod/restructure
Now named the Looking Forward Team, we are keeping track of developments and are committed to sharing resources that will be helpful for congregations.
You are invited to a second gathering on 30 April to report on progress and to share ideas. Thank you to The Corner Uniting Church and Mark Hewitt who will be our hosts for the evening.
We have a number of ideas to assist congregations as we work together in the formation of new presbyteries in SA. We will launch a LOOKING FORWARD web site and those with suggestions and comments are invited to use this as a means of keeping in touch, sharing insights and reflecting on progress.
In our time together we will work in table groups and a number present will share their experience and insights about what makes presbyteries effective and caring councils of the church.
On behalf of the Looking Forward Together Team.
For further information contact… Dean Eland djeland@bigpond.com 0419 112 603
At its heart, Easter is about the actions of a loving God, calling people to a new way of living characterised not by being right, or having the answers, or by the acquisition of wealth nor power or honour or fame – but by humble and intimate service to others. Greg Elsdon. Pilgrim Uniting Church. Maundy Thursday Reflection. April 2019.