A Little Dose of Awe and Wonder …
When we first met, my wife Joy quickly realised that Michael did not share her green thumb in the garden. Indeed, in the garden, I represented the contrasting yang to her yin; I brought the counter-balancing death touch to her life touch.
Joy would therefore feel great delight, and no little surprise, that I was sharing with you a story of horticultural wonder. This is a video link from the Brain Pickings website in which forestry researcher Suzanne Simard has depicted, in animated form, how trees communicate with each other.
If you’ve seen and heard it all before, if you’ve become dulled to the sense of wonder of being part of the natural world, then watch this 4 minute clip…
For those who are interested in the original Brain Pickings post, and also in a more detailed 18 minute TED Talk by the researcher Suzanne Simard, here are the links:-