Employment opportunities at Nunyara
Maintenance Hand (Permanent part–time – 0.4 FTE) at Nunyara Conference Centre. Focus on grounds presentation and customer service. A demonstrated focus on maintenance services coupled with your energy, hard work and sense of fun are essential to be part of our caring and supportive working environment. Confidential enquiries and further information can be directed at Human Resources on 08 8236 4234. Job Description is available on request. Please address your application letter and resume to: General Manager, Uniting Venues SA, email: humanresources@sa.uca.org.au, Applications close 5:00pm Monday 14 October 2019
Casual Housekeeper – at Nunyara Conference Centre. Guests include primary and secondary schools, church, community and corporate. We’re looking for a person who is a flexible, team player, with a strong work ethic and a heart for hospitality who is willing to go the extra mile for clients. Duties include bed making, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms and laundry. Enquiries to, and Job Description available from Michelle on Ph 8278 1673 Email mharris@unitingvenuessa.org.au Applications should be sent to: enquiries@unitingvenuessa.org.au Applications close 12 Oct 2019.
If the two jobs is too much, but you have room for one, then we would ask that you share the Maintenance Hand position. Please note the contact details are different due to the terms of employment.