Topic for next Philosphers’ lunch: Discussion Paper – ‘Expressing our Faith’
Anne Magarey has made a suggestion for the next Philosophers’ Lunch. It relates to some discussions had we’ve had within a sub-group working on future possibilities for the Blackwood Uniting Church.
Amongst other things, in relation to our faith community at the Blackwood Uniting Church, we’ve been trying to get our heads around:-
What do we believe?
What is our faith?
What is our theology?
What is the practical expression of our faith and theology?
To this end, I have put together a document entitled Discussion Paper – ‘Expressing Our Faith’ that seeks to offer some tentative responses to these questions. The introductory words of the paper give a sense of its purpose:-
“What follows are some thoughts about the theology and ethos which underpins the Blackwood Uniting Church. It is neither meant to be exhaustive nor prescriptive, and nor does it claim to represent the views of all BUC members. As will be discussed, no such ‘universal’ theology exists for a group of individuals, since each person is unique, with each person having travelled a different spiritual road to this place. Nonetheless, it is hoped that what follows captures at least some of the essence of what it is to be a member of the Blackwood Uniting Church. It is hoped that this discussion paper will prompt wide-ranging engagement, discussion, critique and the flow of ideas, with the end result being greater clarity around what it is that motivates our actions, both now and into the future.”
We would like to throw the document open for discussion, critique, and literary and theological savaging in a variety of forums.
Anne suggested that one group that could engage with the document is our Philosophers’ Lunch group, and specifically that we could discuss it (and whatever flows from it) at our next lunch on Sunday 20th October at 12.15pm.
In order to set your minds at ease about the risk of offending your minister’s delicate sensibilities by criticising his reflection, let me offer a recollection from the Morecombe and Wise comedy show from yesteryear. Halfway through each show, they would engage in a brief reflection about the quality of the show to that point. The exchange always went like this:-
“What d’you think of it so far?”
If I don’t hear dissenting voices to at least some of what I’ve written (aka “Rubbish, Dowling!”) then I will be disappointed, for it will mean a less-than-complete engagement with the document!
I look forward to engaging with you at our next Philosophers’ Lunch.
Michael Dowling
PS: If you are not able to attend the Philosophers’ Lunch, but nonetheless would like to receive a copy of the (Discussion Paper – ‘Expressing Our Faith’) document, please let me know by email, text or phone.
PPS: If you are not on our Philosophers’ Lunch email mailing list, and would like to be, please advise by email, text or phone.