Property Committee
One of the items on the recent Synod Building Inspection report was the sunken slab outside the Aldersgate Room rear entrance door. This was excavated and a new concrete slab laid on Wednesday pre-Covid lock down. We started at 09:00 hrs and finished at 17:00 hrs, a long and hot day, but a very successful one.
We found the cause of the subsidence which was the total separation of the rainwater pipe running below the concrete slab. This was the result of a blockage and the pipe not being securely glued. Years of rainwater had washed away soil below the slab and caused it to drop. We had some fun and games trying to find a suitable coupling as the pipe size is no longer available, but Peter Cranwell luckily had a piece of pipe which we could use to make the connection.
A big thanks to the construction team – Russell Grear, Peter Cranwell, Phil Marlow and Tony O. Also, we thank Jean Potter and Chris Bray for keeping us supplied with coffee during the day.