Retiring Offering for Red Dove Cafe
The Moderator has made the following request of all congregations that on
the 5th & 12th September we have a retiring offering for the Red Dove Café. For the second year in a row, the Royal Adelaide Show has been cancelled which means that once again the Red Dove Café will not be operating. This is a significant ministry of the Uniting Church, not only through the provision of food and comfort at the show, but in the other ministries that are supported by the over $50,000 that is raised each year. Of course, with no show the opportunity to raise this money is lost.
Therefore, we will be holding a special retiring offering on the above 2 dates. You may like to consider donating what you might have spent at the Show. There are two ways you can donate, either via cash in an enveloped marked “Red Dove Café” or via their bank account, BSB: 704 095. Account No: 152079 Account Name: Red Dove Café.