Lenten Study 2022: “Questioning Our Grip on the Cross”
It’s not too late to register . . . fill in the green form or email Michael!
This Lent, I invite you to consider engaging in a Lenten Study I have written called Questioning Our Grip on the Cross. The study will run for 7 weeks, with the study concluding in the week leading up to Easter.
It is hoped that we might have enough interest in the study series to form a number of groups that could each meet, at an agreed day and time, to discuss the study each week.
The premise of the study series
The cross of Jesus is the central symbol of the Christian faith. So regularly is the cross referred to in hymns, songs, scripture, prayers and in physical symbols within our churches that it has formed “the water in which we swim” as followers of Jesus. The cross has become the accepted and unquestioned reality of the Christian faith. Herein lies the problem. When something is completely unquestioned, there is no inclination to examine the presuppositions behind it; instead, it is simply accepted without scrutiny. This study, Questioning our Grip on the Cross, is an invitation to explore and examine our own presuppositions surrounding the cross of Jesus.
The title of the study deliberately incorporates a double-meaning:- a willingness to question how tightly we cling to the cross and why; and also a willingness to question our logical and emotional grip on, or understanding of, the cross. It is my hope that a willingness to examine and subject to scrutiny previously unexamined presuppositions around the cross may help lead us, ultimately, to a deeper and richer faith.
Anyone wanting to engage in the study series, please complete a form (available outside the office) or email me (minister@blackwooduc.org.au) by Wednesday 23rd February to express interest.
Please indicate which possible days of the week and what times work for you (Monday-Friday; morning, afternoon, evening).
Once I know how many are interested, we can work out how many groups we will need.
The study material for the week will be emailed to participants on the Sunday afternoon, with study 1 being emailed on Sunday 27th February (this will be for the week leading up to the first Sunday in Lent, 6th March)
Michael Dowling