At 7pm on Tuesday 1st March, Blackwood Uniting Church will be hosting a “Meet the Waite Candidates” public forum. The event is kindly being moderated by Associate Professor Benito Cao of the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Adelaide. Registration for this free event will be via EVENTBRITE (details TBA). The event will also be live-streamed.
There will be the opportunity for questions from the floor on the night but, in addition to that, we also have the opportunity, as the hosting organization, to submit to the candidates in advance two prepared questions. We need to submit these by 16th February and each candidate will respond to them formally on the night. I would invite you to submit your particular question for consideration. Based on the responses we receive, we will select two questions to send to the candidates. Please bear in mind the following guidelines from Assoc. Prof. Benito Cao:-
“If there are any significant local issues in your area that are the responsibility of the state government, craft some questions about these local issues. You want the prepared questions to be relevant to the constituents are relatively uncontroversial i.e. nothing that would suggest you are taking a partisan approach. So, for example, I wouldn’t send a prepared question on incidents regarding specific candidates.”
If you have a question you’d like to be considered, please email Michael at: minister@blackwooduc.org.au by 15th February.
Tickets-EVENTBRITE: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/meet-the-waite-candidates-tickets-266489095057
Michael Dowling