Ukrainian Refugee Dinner
Refugees from the Ukrainian conflict are arriving in Adelaide daily . Diane Howarth who is part of the Ukrainian community has asked if Blackwood UC could assist by providing a meal for the 50 refugees who come to English classes twice weekly.
The date given us is the 31st of May. I already have a core team to help prepare & serve the food on the day but there are still ways of assisting. We need pots of soup, enough to serve 10 people & slice/cake for dessert or fresh fruit. Otherwise, monetary donations would be appreciated to buy the extras.
I have heard people say, we want to help but don’t know how. This is a practical way in which we can show our support . If you are able to help in any way, please let me know.
Many thanks. Lynona Hawkins 8278 3870; 0438021263;
Lynona Hawkins