Ukraine Support
Ukraine Support
Thank you everyone for your wonderful support in donations of money, food & household items etc. for the Ukrainian community in Adelaide. They are so grateful. We shared a meal with them last Thursday (19/11), & will do so again on Tuesday the 6th Dec. Along with the meals, listening, learning & sharing conversation has been humbling & precious. We gave a $200 donation towards their Christmas Celebration which will help to buy some special treats.
Offers of two large pots of soup, biscuits or slices for the meal on Tuesday are required. Please deliver to the BUC kitchen by 10am on Tuesday 6th of December. Please let Nancy Cranwell know ASAP if you are able to help with the food or on the day.
At present they seem to be coping well but I will let you know if there are any special needs as time goes on. Please continue to hold this community both here & abroad in your prayers.
Lynona Hawkins