Extraordinary Time!
The church calendar has a number of special seasons, with which we are very familiar: Lent, Easter, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany. Then there are special Sundays: Trinity Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, Christ the King Sunday. And then there is a large chunk of the year that isn’t special. In fact, this chunk of the year, which starts after Trinity Sunday, is so un-special, it is called Ordinary Time.
Ordinary Time?! I already feel bored just thinking about.
This year, as an antidote to boredom, as a protest against ordinary time, we intend to reimagine this period of the year as extraordinary time! That’s right! We are going to invite our community into a season of reflection about the wonders of time, in all the beauty of its sparkling dimension!
Alison Sutcliffe has imagined an ongoing community project during a 12-week period we are carving out of ordinary time as…Extraordinary Time, which will run from Sunday 11 June to Sunday 27 August inclusive.
See document attached to this week’s newsletter for all the details of how you can be involved.
Michael Dowling