Covenant and Preamble Anniversaries
The Uniting Church and
Blackwood Uniting Church
celebrate the anniversaries of
The Covenant and Preamble
See the following link for more information about
Yanakanai and celebrations planned to celebrate this anniversary.
This year the Uniting Church marks two significant anniversaries in our church’s journey seeking justice and healing as First and Second Peoples in this land.
On 10 July 2024, the Uniting Church will mark 30 years since the signing of the Covenant statement between the United Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) and the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA). The anniversary marks an historic moment in the UCA’s journey of what it means to live as the body of Christ in these lands we now call Australia.
Please click this link for more information about this momentous anniversary event:
Please click the link below to see more of the story of Grace Williams who created “Guided by Faith”, the banner artwork (background in above graphic), Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (Tasmania):