Net Zero Emissions for the UC
Friends, I do hope you are well.
Listening to weather reports telling us this winter, this August, is the hottest it’s been for a long time, in some places, since we’ve been taking records, is alarming. I am reminded of how urgent it is that we come together to take action to reduce the impact of humanity on the earth.
The Environmental Action Group has been working with SA Synod Justice to develop a plan to move towards Net Zero emissions for our church. What a wonderful gift their insights will be to help us and our congregations continue to move forward in our care for the environment.
What a timely season to be hearing their learnings from the pilot project that has been running this past year – when many of us are celebrating a Season of Creation.
Do come along to the Effective Living Centre on 11 September 7:30 pm, and encourage your congregations to participate, too.
Again, our action is required urgently, and we can do this together!
Book online here:
Read more about the project here:
In peace and friendship
Sarah Agnew