Effective Living Centre
Two new events are open for bookings at the Effectiving Living Centre:
- Wilks Oration – “Are we still a fair go society? ‘The Global Ethic in Australia Today’”
Professor Andrew Dutney is the 2014 Wilks Orator – Saturday 17 May.
(click the above link for more information about this Wilks Oration). - Social Issues – “Befriending Asylum Seekers”
Tuesday, 29th of April 2014
(click this link for more information about this Social Issues event)
You can book online at www.effectiveliving.org or by calling us on 8271 0329 Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday 10am -3pm.
Further details for these events can also be found on flyers located on noticeboards in the Church. Last year the Wilks Oration sold out about two weeks prior to the event. So please book in early!