Urban Mission Network Update
The Urban Mission Network bulletin for July 2014 has been distributed and is available on the entrance foyer board and at www.urbannetwork.org.au.
- The feature article this month is “International Mission“, particularly our Presbytery partnership with the United Church of Christ in The Philippines, Central Luzon jurisdiction.
- Don’t forget to pop into Pilgrim Church for the photo exhibition highlighting projects mainly in and around Manilla.
- The Workshop for Church Councils promises to again be an interesting and informative session.
- News from congregations includes a brief report from The Spire Community, a joint collaboration between Clayton Wesley Uniting Church and Uniting Communities Eastern Branch.
Enjoy reading the Bulletin and I look forward to seeing you at events in the next couple of months.
Best wishes, Christine (Coordinator: Urban Mission Network).
Click this link to learn more about the Urban Mission Network.