Ecumenical Lenten Studies Feb/March 2016
Historically, Lent, which begins this year on 10 February, has been a time of preparation for the blessings of the Easter season. For more than forty years, an Ecumenical Resource has been commissioned every two years through the Churches of South Australia. Since the first ecumenical Lenten Study in 1972 thousands have come together in small groups. These groups have given the opportunity for personal reflection, and to share the experience of Lent as we journey towards Easter within our denominations, and amidst today’s complexities and challenges.
The theme/focus for 2016 is Return to God: the human struggle and divine grace.
There will be six sessions, each lasting around 1½ hours, focusing on a range of Gospels during the Lenten season, and including prayer, icons, art, time for sharing and encouragement for action in daily life.
The resource can be accessed online or click this link to download the Resource. You can also click the following link to download the Guidelines for Leaders & Participants.
REGISTRATION FORMS are available in the foyer.
To enable the formation of denominational groups, leaders for each, and homes to meet in forms need to be returned to the designation box by TUESDAY 2nd February 2016.
For further information contact the Rev Phil Hoffman or Gloria McArthur.