Roundabout Upgrade – Have you spoken yet?
The Community Consultation period ends on Sunday 22nd October. It is important that you view the displays and have your say by completing and submitting one of the Feedback Forms available until next Friday at the Blackwood Library OR at the Church this Sunday afternoon between 1pm and 4pm when representatives of the Project Planning Team will be available to answer questions and listen to your comments.
We need to push for the Left Turn Slip Lane to be moved further away from the Church to retain a vegetation buffer between the traffic and the Church and to leave room for safe pedestrian access between Main Road and Coromandel Parade preferably using the existing footpath on the roundabout side of our Church gardens.
This would also alleviate the need for the Government to acquire some of our Church property and mean that we can retain our signage and some of the current aesthetics of the area. It is likely that the War Memorial will be relocated across Main Road to a redeveloped “Memorial Park”.
The Project Team are also interested in any of your suggestions to improve traffic movement and pedestrian safety in the Blackwood area.
Check what is planned and have your say now! Work will begin soon.