Spring Garden Walk
In May this year I led an informal walk around sections of the Mt Lofty Botanical Gardens (MLBG) to view some of the trees and plants in their Autumnal colours. Following this, it was suggested that I lead a similar walk in Spring.
For those interested, the plan is to meet in the Lower Car Park at 10 am on either Tuesday 17th or Wednesday 18th October. This car park is accessed via the Crafers / Piccadilly Rd (see map below). If you could indicate by email your first and second preferences, I will decide on the basis of the numbers and the weather forecast, the date for the walk. The selected date will be announced during Community Time and by email, on Sunday 15th.
The walking distance would be about 2.5 km and involve some moderate slopes. We would follow parts of the MLBG guided walk for Spring and probably visit the nursery where annual and perennial plants for MLBG, Wittunga and ABG are propagated.
It is suggested that we bring refreshments for morning tea (in the new gazebo overlooking the main lake) after the walk.
This walk is in addition to the regular monthly walking group event.
Tony Dyson (dysonav@bigpond.com) 0423 687 180