Messy Church Bushfire Appeal
At our Messy Church gathering on Sunday we received many generous donations of food and toiletries, enough for Judy to fill her boot and back seat to take to Foodbank SA for distribution to families in SA affected by the bushfires. Many thanks to all who contributed.
We also received donations of books for children on Kangaroo Island who lost their possessions in the fires. This appeal is still open for another week or two while I find out the best way to send them over there. The coordinator of Parenting KI will distribute them once we get them there. If you would like to make a contribution of a (preferably new) picture book or novel for a child on Kangaroo Island, please see Marnie Agnew in the next week or so.
Mainly Music families are also donating this Friday so if you would like to add to their contributions please see Carys Penny.