Community Classes
Community Classes are back and we’re pleased to welcome new students.
Open Day’s
On the 24th & 25th March we will be having an Open Day for the Community Classes. The plan being to invite the Community to see what we do and open up the place to the community.
Please don’t forget that we have a Creche here for students participating in the Classes on Wednesday AM & PM – all for the princely sum of a gold coin!
Workshops – Term 2
During Term 2 we are planning on holding workshops on Saturdays on Reduce/Reuse & Recycle and also Photography. More details to follow.
Craft Fair
This year’s Craft Fair date will be Saturday, 13th November (COVID Permitting). So please put the date in your diary.
Seeking Embroidery Teacher
We are on the look-out for another Embroidery Teacher. If you know of anyone that may be interested, or if you yourself are interested, please see Jacqui.
Thursday PM Art Class
Unfortunately, our new Art Teacher cannot teach this Semester due to other work commitments. We thank David for his contributions last year and wish him well for his future endeavours.
Bike Shed
36 bikes have been donated to the Australian Refugee Association at Salisbury.
Jacqui Harrison