Extraordinary Time: Your contributions are requested!!!!!
As previously announced, we have decided to have a special theme for a 12-week period starting on Sunday 11 June. To counter the sleep-inducing description of this period in the church calendar (“Ordinary Time”…Seriously?! What were they thinking?!) we are carving out this 12-week block as “Extraordinary Time”!!!
During this period, the Sunday messages will have at least something to do with that extraordinary thing called “time” that we measure, that we experience as we age, and that we occasionally reflect upon.
We desire your involvement and contribution during this period, in two somewhat different ways, which may or may not relate to each other:
- To submit to Alison a photograph of a timepiece (clock, watch, sundial, calendar, etc) in some setting, and with an accompanying caption. The context and the caption can be deep and meaningful, funny and frivolous, or anything in between.Alison has already received some contributions and they are great!!! Keep them coming in!
- To submit to a written reflection to Alison or Michael in which you relate a “special time.” It could be almost anything: a moment when time stood still, a special period in your life, etc. etc. Submitted reflections will go in the newsletter and/or have a special spot during the Sunday service, where you will have an opportunity, if you choose, to tell your reflection on time to the congregation (or Michael could read it for you if you prefer).We have already received one contribution which, I am sure, people will very much appreciate! Please consider making your own contribution!
Thank you so much for your involvement in Extraordinary Time.
Michael Dowling & Alison Sutcliffe