Community Classes social media
If you happen to be a social media buff and have either a Facebook or Instagram (or both) account, take a look at our socials pages. We now have both the community classes and the bike shed on both platforms and we’d love you to check it out and either friend or follow us on both.
Spread the word as the more people who like us and our posts, the more we will pop up on other pages out there in the ether. The consequence of this is that more people see all of the exciting and wonderful programs the BUC has to offer and the more people we will attract.
So … using the might of the like 👍 the power is in your fingertips to share our amazing space with the world.
Check us out on both platforms at The bike Shed at Blackwood (FaceBook and Instagram), buccommunityclasses (Instagram) and Blackwood Community Classes (FaceBook).
Can’t wait to see you in the socials world.
Peta Workman